I'd like to invite you on a very special trip this year, to Ancient Egypt.
Have you ever known that you just had to do something?
Does you inner voice urge you towards a certain path?
And more importantly, do you follow it's voice?
This is how this trip to Egypt happened for me. For years I have been wanting to guide a trip to Egypt, but it never quite came together. This year I knew the time was right.
My guidance told me that this this was the time to visit Egypt because of the new energies that are now awakening the planet and opening us up to receive ancient wisdom teaching.
From the moment I decided to do this trip, the pieces fell into place easily and effortlessly, easier than ANY other trip I have ever planned.
This journey is all about initiations, opening up our consciousness to the ancient teachings of The Emerald Tablets and to our Atlantean connection. Through our initiations we will be anchoring this consciousness and its importance to sacred union in our lives. We will be balancing the masculine and feminine within each of us.
NOW is the time for something big to shift, and this trip to Egypt is a part of it. Consider this:
- October 2010 there is going to be a major shift in consciousness, a shift towards Sacred Union.
- Many, many groups are being drawn to Egypt this year, and especially in October.
- The masculine and feminine energies will be converging at that time.
- Ancient energies of Prussia will also be converging in Egypt, combining with the new energies coming forth, for something truly wondrous ... as of yet unknown and unseen on this planet.
If you, too, are feeling the pull to be part of this, NOW IS THE TIME!
This trip is not for everyone. It's not for the lighthearted. It's for people who are ready to really go deep into the NEXT STEP, to hold this NEW ENERGY for humanity.
On this trip we will be:
- Bringing in a great initiation of forces from the past, merging them with the energies of the present.
- Initiating Sacred Union for each person on the trip, individually and to hold for humanity as well.
- As we see the mirrors into our true selves we will experience what was there all along, that we are divine beings.
- These experiences will help us hold even more of our divinity in our daily lives.
If this trip is for you, you will come back changed. You will also have a lot of fun along the way, visiting ancient sites, museums, temples, and pyramids. You'll have time for shopping and a cruise on the Nile.
For details about this exciting trip, visit: http://www.celticmysticaljourneys.com/sacred-sites-spiritual-tours-egypt
I hope you can join us,
There is a wonderful book, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth-The- Atlantean, and this also taps into the Celtic connection and Ireland being know in ancient times for its connections to the Pharaohs. If you want to learn more about this there is another book, Ireland Land of the Pharaohs. It is my belief that one of the Emerald Tablets is buried at Tara in Ireland. Ireland, as you know, was a outpost for Atlantis.
For those interested, we also lead a trip every summer to Ireland and visit the ancient site of Tara. Go to http://www.celticmysticaljourneys.com/blog for more info.