Here we are, moving along the spoke of the wheel of the year, moving towards Summer Solstice, a time of heightened energy in the outer world. We are also feeling these vibrations within, asking us to look again at what is going on in our life ...
As the journey of increasing light continues the light triumph's over darkness. We are celebrating light and life with the blossoming and fruition of seeds sown in winter.
Do you feel this blossoming in your life?
How do you feel about yourself and your relationships with yourself? Your partner? Community? Colleagues? Your world? Look at how you feel about self love and your relationship with yourself.
The Aquarian Age is all relationship we have with ourselves and the world about us.
Relationship is the gift of one of the most beautiful experiences we have within our human existence. Within relationship lies the very possibility of learning to both give and receive love to yourself and others.
We are now being asked to look at our established relationships and to express them at a higher level of consciousness. We are being asked to explore the intimacy within our interactions ... how easily do we permit another person to enter our personal space and offer their unconditional love to us? How open are we to receive it? Do we question the praise or support we receive from others? Or perhaps we hold issues of self-consciousness around physical intimacy? Whatever the level of relationship or sharing that challenges us, now is the time to transform it.
Through the gentleness of unconditional love we are being invited to create inter-dependant relationships. Ones where we are able to respect and honor, the existence of the other in the relationship without losing our sense of self. Allow our softer side to fully express itself. We are being offered the possibility of creating freedom by healing and removing the crutch of co-dependency.
Within any relationship the other person is a mirror for us. We are being asked to expand our sense of community through this mirror. As we experience acceptance within our personal relationships this will encourage us through its vibration to share more of our gifts with our community. Each of us is perfect for the part that we play within our chosen community. We can never fully understand from our perspective the pathway of another, but through the power of love we can accept and honor their innate wisdom by honoring and accepting our own gifts and the special gifts of others.