In recent years people have become increasingly interested in Energy Centers and Vortexes. People flock to places like Sedona, Arizona, Mount Shasta, California, or take trips to Machu Picchu, Egypt, and Stonehenge, either to live or visit.
So what are they all about? When you visit places of power what can you expect? How can you take best advantage of the energy they have?
I’ve been drawn to live in many of these power places myself. I’ve lived in Ashland, Oregon, Mt. Shasta, California, Sedona, Arizona, and Tepoztlan, Mexico. I’ve also traveled to places like Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, Tara, Assissi, Italy, Medjugorje, and more. I’ve discovered that the power of such sites is quite simple to understand and work with.
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First, there is the vortex that raises vibration. I’ve noticed that these are often the masculine energies, such as mountain tops, pinnacles, and peaks. They can affect you in various ways, depending on your way of feeling or picking up on psychic energy. The main thing to realize is that they increase the vibration.
An increase or raised vibration isn’t either “good” or “bad”, “negative” or “positive”. What increased vibration does is to amplify whatever is going on. Therefore, if you are feeling good the energy can make you feel better. You might feel like your buzzing, or expansive, more energetic or joyful. However, the opposite is also true. If you are feeling bad or have negative feelings and emotions the increased vibration can amplify that to make you feel even worse. This can also be very good for you. It helps you to “see” your stuff easier, it can be intense, and it can also help you move through it faster. The key is the awareness of what is going on, to allow it, see it for what it is, face it and move through it.
Bottom line is the energy vortex isn’t going to solve all your problems. It’s not going to “fix” anything. It is up to you to make choices and be responsible for what you do with the energy. If you work with the energy in a good way, you can move through things quickly. If you connect with the energy to bring more good into your life, to manifest your desires, it will be there for you and again things will happen fast.
The second type of energy is more grounding. It will help you connect more of your spirit into your body. This energy is more feminine and can be felt near water, wells, caves, and darker or shaded areas like woods and forests. This energy is comforting. It holds and protects. It helps us to go deeper into ourselves.
At any of these energy centers, it is easier to open to the energy of the Divine. Some people may get insights, have powerful dreams, some even have visions or receive messages. How you work with the energy is unique to each individual. Visiting and spending time in power places can assist with your personal and spiritual growth.
They are a good place to do ritual or ceremony, meditate or just quietly take in what is there. Whatever way you use to connect more with the Divine, this is a good place to do it.
In the end, there is no “big secret” to how these energies work or special way to “align” with them or achieve ascension through them. No magical doorway is going to open. It is like my friend Ea says, at The Doorway (or Portal) of Quetzalcoatl, in Amatlan, Mexico, which is known by the native people as in interdimensional doorway: “You can sit and stare at the ‘door’, do ceremony or whatever, and the ‘door’ is not going to open. The ‘door’ is your heart. When you open your heart, all is open to you.”
So go out and explore. Open yourself, open your hearts, and shine the light of your being for us all!
Written by Ixchel Tucker, Marketing Coordinator for Celtic Mystical Journeys