April Message by Finbarr
Continuing on our journey around the wheel of the year we are still working on transparency, compassion and balance.
We now enter the third spoke in the wheel: Beltaine, a time of rebirth of all things made new. This occurs on May 1st. Beltaine stands opposite Samhain (held October 31-November 1).
Samhain is associated with the Goddess, feminine energy, the world of spirit and inner work, urging us to embrace all aspects of ourselves including our shadow side, bringing us transformation as we let go of old patterns.
Beltaine on the other hand is asking us to move to outward activity, embracing this world and its fertility. It is the gateway to the bright part of the year, summer when the countryside is filled with beautiful flowers and foliage, so too it is with our lives as we are being asked to shake of the shackles of the past, to let go of issues and enter a time of "Thy Will be Done" and embrace life fully knowing that all is as set out in our blueprint. No accidents, only ways of calling us to higher awareness.
I want to share a morning prayer with you from the West of Ireland that is tied to the energy of Beltaine:
Good Morning Father God
Good Morning Father God
You are ushering in another day
untouched and freshly new
so here I come to ask you God
if you will renew me too
forgive the many errors I made yesterday
and help me once again Dear Father God
to walk closer in Thy way
Father I am well aware
I cannot make it on my own
so take my hand and hold it tight
'cause I can't walk alone.
Good Morning Father God
You are ushering in another day
untouched and freshly new
so here I come to ask you God
if you will renew me too
forgive the many errors I made yesterday
and help me once again Dear Father God
to walk closer in Thy way
Father I am well aware
I cannot make it on my own
so take my hand and hold it tight
'cause I can't walk alone.
Before we enter this period of Beltaine we need to embrace ourselves and tell ourselves the following:
I love you.
I apologize.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I apologize.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
As we embrace these energies within ourselves we are making ourselves ready to venture into the outer world knowing that all is in divine order. We are now ready to take full responsibility for our lives and for ourselves - no exceptions, no excuses - as there is no one to blame.
Every challenge we have in our life we invited in, they are just old, recycled problems showing up to give us another opportunity to see and embrace them with love. We are the source of all the experiences and we are the healer. As the healer we look inside ourselves and see what it is we want to transform in our life, whether it is relationship, finances, or whatever else. All the answers are within as we embrace ourselves in love and allow.
"Thy Will be Done", and as we look at ourselves in the mirror, or in prayer, or meditation say to ourselves about any situation:
"I love you" , "I apologize", "Please forgive me", and finally gratitude for all that you are "Thank you".
Allow the Golden Flame of Love within yourself (see it and feel it) and fully embrace The Divine Feminine, The Christ Consciousness and the Sacred Union and allow the magic to happen in your life as we ask the higher world for assistance and then simply surrender.
Blessings, love and peace,
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