Crop circle images are immense!
It’s only from above that they can be seen in their entirety, the full design. They can be over 900 yards across, with as many as 400 individual and interlocking circles. They are so awesome, they leave people speechless.
After seeing their beauty, then to experience them on the ground, you can feel their true power. They have an energy and frequency. Each one is different, coming from different places and different energies. Some connect with the heart chakra, others with the solar plexus. Each one is individual and different, and the experience is unique to each person that enters them.
What do we know about Crop Circles? Crop circles are complex and beautiful symbolic designs that are found impressed in a wide variety of crops and other vegetation and in any other ground covers that can take an impression. (They are even being found in snow and ice!)
There are many known and unknown factors to the crop circle phenomenon.
- You won’t hear about them on the nightly news or read about them in the paper
- They have been appearing since present history can recall
- Increasing in frequency since the 70’s, there have been more than 6,000 documented since 1980 and at least 73 crop circles were recorded in 2009!
- They are found all over the world
- They are formed in the blinking of an eye, as eye witnesses can attest to
- The stalks are never broken, and in fact, the grain can continue growing
- The edges are precise, with demarcation of the circle very clear
- The scale of the circles are quite large and can only be seen in their entirety by air
- Designs have precise geometric and mathematical accuracy
- The crop stalks show evidence of genetic alteration
Over the last twenty years analyses of thousands of plant and soil specimens from hundreds of formations worldwide have been carried out in laboratories in various countries, and most extensively in the UK and in the USA.
These analyses show that the cellular structure of the plants has been strongly affected and that the composition of the soil greatly altered in crop circles.
- Their designs are based on complex geometry, ancient symbology and advanced mathematics.
- They can be decoded.
- The message that comes through is important for mankind at present.
- Begin by contemplating the particular symbol, trying to understand with your intellect the numbers and the geometric forms that underlie it.
- When you have understood the structure of the symbol, meditate on its form, feeling it with your inner being.
- Only once you have fully experienced the results of the first two stages are you in a position to draw it on the ground. Then go in it and sense its energy with your body.
Crop Circle Meditation
As described above, we suggest that you experience the energy of the crop circles.
First, take some time to study and observe the crop circle in this picture.

Now close your eyes and imagine yourself flying over this newly formed crop circle. Imagine seeing it as a piece of art, from the overall picture to each fine detail.
Let yourself contemplate on the mystery of it all, what kind of energy or being would or could create such beautiful work … something that wasn’t there the night before … but upon awakening was there, in the field.
If you’re visual, you may actually see the crop circle. Explore what you see. You may experience it with your other senses, feeling the energy, the expanse of beingness, or you may even hear or receive a message. Allow yourself to feel the sense of the art in the crop circle itself, as well as the being or energy that created it.
Be with that sense of awe for a while, allowing yourself to feel the sense of wonder.
Now imagine that you have landed on the ground near the crop circle. You get out of the plane or helicopter you are in and start walking toward it. You may already be vibrating with the energy.
As you enter the actual crop circle you can no longer see the dimensions or the form. From this perspective you are totally within its energy. Imagine yourself walking around inside it for a while. Take your time and explore as much as you’d like.
After a while you will naturally gravitate to the center. This may not be the physical center of the circle or form, for you will feel where the energetic center is. Imagine the sense and feeling of being in the energy, as you sit in the center in a meditative state. Now allow yourself to stay in this space as long as you would like.
When you feel complete send your gratitude to the energies and beings that created this crop circle and allowed you this experience.
When you’re ready come back into your body, ground yourself in the here and now, and open your eyes.
If you’d like you can also journal or write about your experience. Or respond to this blog and tell us what it was like for you. We love to hear about your journeys!
At Celtic Mystical Journeys we have been taking people on spiritual tours to have their own, in-person Crop Circle experience since 2002. We love to watch people as they transform through the experience. We had a couple of women who would not stop talking during the trip. When we came down from our flight over the crop circles and they got out of the helicopter they were speechless! For words can’t even come close to describing the experience.
By the time we disembark we are already feeling the vibration of this fantastic energy. Is it a surprise that the number of crop circles has increased with our increased access to the airways?
Then we visit them on the ground. We meditate as a group, in a newly-formed crop circle. It is a life-changing experience.
See more information about our Spiritual Tours to England and crop circles tours.
Check out this amazing new Crop Circle Movie!
WHAT ON EARTH? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery from Suzanne Taylor on Vimeo.
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