A Time For Balance in the Cosmic World Cycle
We are now into the second spoke in the wheel of the year, Spring Equinox. It is a time of perfect balance in the cosmic world cycle and we are being asked through the vibrational frequency of transparency to bring balance/sacred union into our lives, to seek and find that place of balance within ourselves and within each aspect of our lives.
In walking the path of Sacred Union/Christ Consciousness (which has nothing to do with Christianity) we are walking the path of Self. As we explore each initiation and vibrational change we come to understand that they represent milestones on our journey of awareness, taking us to a place of awakening different aspects of the conscious self.
On this journey we begin to understand more clearly and embrace life more consciously, using the gifts of spirit to live a more intuitive life. Through this we realize that our life's journey is all about awakening.
We awaken and become more aware. As our lives unfold in this new awareness we find that we are protected, and life begins to flow with greater ease. We become aware that there are no coincidences, all is according to the Divine Plan. We realize that our life's challenges are about awakening, gentle nudges asking us to pay attention to the now, they are about love, forgiveness, beauty, compassion, balance, etc.
Embracing our Shadow
I myself came to a greater understanding of life's challenges last December, and about how I had procrastinated for three years about doing something about an issue I knew I had. I was suffering from post traumatic stress but kept putting off doing something about it until an event took place in my life which brought it to the forefront of my life.
At the urging of my wife, Marianne, I was faced with having to do something about it. I had met a lady on my France tour last September who had suffered from post traumatic stress and she told me about this wonderful psychologist in Maryland who had helped her.
I called the man she had worked with and he referred me to a psychologist in Denver. Looking back on it now, I wonder why I put it off so long (perhaps my fear of the unknown). I am now doing counseling and EMDR work around this issue. This also got me to look at some childhood issues and I also did an 8 session
My life has changed in so many ways, with gratitude for Marianne's urging and for the positive aspects it has brought to me and my family, including massive stress reduction. It reminds me of the old saying, "when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear".
Are you ready for change?
Now I have a question for you, are you ready to embrace your shadow side and challenges? Or are you comfortable with your present state (as I was) and because of fear of the unknown, not wanting to make changes or rock the boat? Are you pondering and playing mental mind games about crossing the threshold into a new experience?
The energy of transparency, compassion and balance of 2010 is asking us to look at what is hidden and move forward allowing our life to become one of intuitive living in sacred union, consciously knowing that we are living in freedom, compassion and balance.
Finbarr Ross
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